Monday, 21 May 2012

Political Cartoon Response

I think this is a really interesting and powerful illustration.  We are fortunate to live in a democracy (albeit it not a true one, but I digress), as are citizens of the United States.  However, we often take this for granted or complain about the political state.  The latter is extremely hypocritical, because we vote for our leaders.  Although we do not have control over specific parts of a campaign, we constantly attack our political leaders, even though we voted them in.  Aside from this, if a political landscape becomes truly detestable, the people have more power than they realise.  Although many try to muff the voices of protestors or petitioners, we live in a time were information travels around the world instantly.  The general population is still the majority and still capable of change.  People have to learn how to band together to change their countries politics.

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