Monday, 21 May 2012

Facebook's IPO

I think that Facebook's IPO is incredibly overpriced.  The company has been declining in value, and there hasn't been a lot of financial interest in the company for several months as the company was valuing itself at too high a price ($100 billion).  With such a high IPO, stockholders will not be interested, since it is not a good investment, and shares will be too inaccessible to common investors.
As I mentioned in passing, Facebook shares are simply not a good investment.  Although users continue to increase, individual activity is quickly declining, as is interest in online games, such as Farmville, which drew in a lot of money for the company.  Like Myspace, Facebook will soon become obsolete as other social networking websites, such as Twitter or Keek, become more popular.  Therefore, no one should invest in Facebook, considering the shares will have virtually no value within about two or three years.

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