Monday, 21 May 2012


"Human life is not a commodity: a baby is not a product; an embryo is not a cluster of exploitable cells but a potential human being." Abortion is a very serious event that is being taken place in Canada, so why are young teenagers getting abortions? It should illegal to take the life of a baby away. There should never be a price for taking a baby away. 

My opinion on abortion is always in flux, but for the last few months I have been more in favour of it than previously.  Although I personally would choose to keep a baby, I understand how abortion could be beneficial and even more humane.
The prompt mentioned teenagers.  It think pregnant teens would generally benefit from abortion; chances are, they are not mature enough to take care of it or handle the costs.  This could result in neglectful parenting and completely changing a teen's life plan.  Although you can't plan everything in life, one still may wish to attend university or get a job.  Having a child at such a young age really changes this.
Secondly, it could be more humane.  In impoverished areas, legal, safe abortions are much better than allowing a child to grow up in a poor environment.  The child could be starving, diseased or be abused.
Also, the mother might not be in the right mental state to bring a child to term.  If the child was conceived by rape, of course the mother may not be attached to it.  That's her right.
My previous issues with abortion surrounded the potential every human being has.  However, I now believe that 'nurture' has a greater affect on an individual than 'nature,' making it unfair to say 'what if Martin Luther King Jr. was aborted.'

I believe it's a woman's choice what happens to her body, and therefore abortions should be legal and accessible.

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