"We have learned that we cannot live alone, at peace; that our own well-being is dependent on the well-being of other nations, far away... We have learned to be citizens of the world, members of the human community."
-Franklin D. Roosevelt, Former US President, 1945
I believe that we cannot survive alone in modern society. Of course, in theory one could, however it would be a lonely and unfulfilling existence. Not only does human interaction give us joy and a reason to live (helping others, emotional attachment, etc.), but it greatly improve our way of life. Think about how easily we, in Canada, can access information, or food and other resources. Instead of growing your own fruit, own cattle, own everything, we can just stroll on up to the corner store and buy everything we need to live. We are also so dependent on technology. Without cooperation and collaboration, we could not be as advanced as we are today. Everyone contributes to the whole.
Of course, there are downsides to this. Not only does it seem we need more to survive, since people obviously weren't addicted to Facebook a few hundred years ago and they got by just find (nowadays, things are slightly less plague ridden), but it means we are influenced by everyone. Since we are so dependent on one another, we are willing to do anything to 'fit in.' I personally believe 'normalcy' doesn't exist, and we shouldn't change to fit society's image of a 'productive member of society.' We shouldn't always comply. Of course, we can't live in complete anarchy. However, every advancement in society, in art, in science... has come from individuals questioning what we know.
There is a flip side to this: those who are willing to look for deeper meanings and (incoming cliché in 3... 2... 1...) think outside the box are now able to collaborate on the matter. Everyone can bring their own unique skill set and point of view to the project. If we recognise that there is room for improvement, and are therefore willing to challenge and change society, while collaborating and working as a global community... society will become the best it's ever been, and we can achieve things previous generations never could've imagined.
To quote one of my favourite films, The Prestige,
"Man's reach exceeds his imagination."
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